This is the best part of this web site where you can get to know me.

My Story

I'm a certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach registered with Fitness Australia. I started down this road in 2004. I joined a gym as an overweight and exhausted Mum of three small children. In a short time, I felt energetic and vibrant. Looking after myself through healthy eating and fitness became my passion. At that time, I would meet other women in the same situation as I was not that long before, they were dragging themselves until the end of the day or eating the leftover  food their kids left on the dinner plates because they hadn't eaten in hours. Watching these women struggle as I myself had experienced was difficult, I wanted to reach out to them. It then in 2004 became my absolute hobby to motivate women toward a healthy active lifestyle.

Since starting in the field of health and fitness in 2004, I have had another baby, so that makes me a full time mum of four adorable kids, which means lots of laundry, lots of housework and lots of healthy meals to prepare. I work part time as a personal trainer and train 5x’s a week for myself.

I’m sharing my story with you because it’s important for you to realize that I understand what it's like to let things go for a few months or even years. I know what it is like to wish for more energy to get  happily through the day. You may have challenges that you think stand in the way of your starting a program right now, what I can tell you from experience is -those challenges are much more manageable once you start making health and fitness a priority. Talk to others that have started programs, they’ll often tell you, “It was the best thing I did, it changed my life in every way” or “I feel so different when I’m keeping to my fitness program that I feel like something is missing from my life when I skip a session.”

When you call me we can discuss the barriers that you think are stopping you from taking the next step in your health and fitness. If you have kids or a busy schedule, I know it can be difficult. Often I tell my clients, I know what you mean, I understand because I myself have been down that road too. Together we can find a way to make your health and fitness a priority so that you can make the most of each day.

My Fitness Philosophy

You may have noticed in my website that I don’t emphasis “fit back into your skinny jeans” or “lose tons of weight in 12 weeks” or “summers coming, get into shape”. A lot of advertising tries to motivate you to exercise by thinking badly of yourself. I believe that this “bad body talk” motivates us for the short term, but it’s a punishment. Long term motivation comes from appreciating our bodies, loving ourselves and accepting our challenges.

For those of you reading this and like things put bluntly - your body has put up with the way you’ve treated it until now, it has gotten you this far in life so give it some respect. Looking after your health and fitness sells it self, you will feel good about yourself and I want that feeling to stay. I believe that you can reach your goals and feel fantastic about your body without putting yourself down.

My apologies

Sorry guys, “yes”, this is a program for the ladies only. But find yourself an amazing trainer, the benefits of health and fitness apply to men as well. I choose to work with women, because it is clear to me - if the women look after their own health, the men and children will follow. Women you owe it to yourselves and the future to take your next step on the journey of a healthy active lifestyle.

Your Health and Fitness Coach,




Contact me to book your appointment on 0431 368 626.


  • Gym Instructor, Certificate 3

  • Personal Trainer, Certificate 4 (Includes Kids, Pregnancy and Older Adults)

  • Group Exercise Instructor

  • Kettlebell instructor level 1 and level 2

  • Lift for Life Certified Instructor

  • Accredited Certificate of Nutrition

  • Wellness Coach Level 1

  • Level 2 First Aid

  • Bachelors of Science, Human Growth and Development (overseas)
